G0NGA - the world's worst radio ham?

Monday, 9 June 2008

Some success ... not a lot

Took the opportunity to drive down to West Mersea yesterday on the Essex coast (JO01LS) to enjoy the 80 degree + weather.  I parked up as close to the beach as I could, and as you can see even on a blazing hot Sunday afternoon I pretty much had the place to myself. 
I managed to sit there for a full 45 minutes before the traffic wardens came and moved me on.  (Yes, on a Sunday.  When it was empty.  Not much to do in Mersea apparently).
I did manage to get two people to hear me: a special event station celebrating the Euro 2008 championships which we failed to qualify for, OE2008R, and an Italian station near Pisa, IZ5ICH, which was the further of the two at about 720 miles.  I never thought I'd be so excited to work those two countries!  The OE was particularly apt as last time I was on HF the bands were full of German stations celebrating the 2006 World Cup, which was on at that time.
Both the OE and I stations were on 20.  Being earlier in the day than the previous day I found the bands quite flat.  I also had a listen on 40 and 6 with the two new whips I bought but heard very little on both.  I've never heard the bands quite so empty as this and I wonder if it's my set up or all to do with those sunspots - I know it's bad but I didn't realise it would be this bad.


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